Resource for Writing Therapeutic Nursing Plans - Image 1
Resource for Writing Therapeutic Nursing Plans - Image 2
Resource for Writing Therapeutic Nursing Plans - Image 3
Resource for Writing Therapeutic Nursing Plans - Image 4
Digital manual/Manual

Resource for Writing Therapeutic Nursing Plans

40 Examples of Nursing Problems and Interventions

Ondina Galiano and Brenda Boucher with the collaboration of Lucie Giguère Kolment
Cégep Heritage College
9,99 $21,95 $


This book provides tools to facilitate the task of writing problems, nursing interventions, and follow-up assessments, which can prove demanding and complex. It does the following:

  • groups problems by system
  • uses biological and pathophysiological knowledge to describe the problems, the nursing interventions and the follow-up assessments
  • promotes cooperation between members of the care team to optimize their contribution to clinical follow-up
  • offers a variety of interventions and follow-up assessments


Discipline(s): 180 – Nursing
Author(s): Ondina Galiano and Brenda Boucher with the collaboration of Lucie Giguère Kolment
Institution(s): Cégep Heritage College
Language(s): English
Publication year: 2021
Number of pages: 70
ISBN: Printed version: 978-2-89470-416-5; Digital version: 978-2-89470-417-2


The CCDMD’s digital textbooks are available in PDF.

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