Relevant resources to discover or rediscover

Banque de ressources en français pour les allophones et les anglophones du réseau collégial
The Allo! Banque de ressources en français pour les allophones et les anglophones du réseau collégial offers 180 recommendations of existing educational resources, most of them accessible online, with the goal of responding to the following objectives: Promote the development of allophone and anglophone students’ French language skills, in the…

Facilitating Study Abroad
This website will help you organize and lead a study abroad program for your CEGEP students. If this is your first time taking students on a study abroad trip, it will help you design your trip, create pedagogically sound activities and evaluations for your students before, during, and after travel,…

1000 Images on the Tip of my Tongue
Trilingual index of expressions with equivalent meanings
The 1000 Images on the Tip of My Tongue website is intended for the teaching and learning of colourful expressions in a second language. It lists more than 2,000 idiomatic expressions in English, French, and Spanish. Each expression is presented in a short text that explains its meaning or which…

The McGill Model of Nursing
A Collaborative Approach
How do you establish a trusting, collaborative relationship with a person and family? How do you accompany them as their health situation evolves? The McGill Model of Nursing: A Collaborative Approach reviews every stage of the nursing process, focusing on the central role of the person and family—whose responsibility for…
Bringing QM to Life
Problem-Based Learning for Quantitative Methods
Bringing QM to Life aims to actively engage social science students in their own learning process with a multidisciplinary, problem-based approach to research methods using quantitative data. The website offers activities with real-life scientific scenarios and various accessible, customizable levels of complexity that can be done individually or in teams,…
Conservation of Energy
Work smarter – Conserve your energy!
The Conservation of Energy video series begins with an introduction to the laws of conservation, then elaborates on their multiple applications. The series is tailored to the context of the Pure and Applied Science programs at the CEGEP level but should also be helpful to other science programs or enable…
Stand Tall and Move Easy
A New Approach to Better Posture
Stand Tall and Move Easy presents posture as a fundamental skill, a basic fitness component, and a foundation for exercise, sport performance, and efficient movement in daily living. Although written for college students, it’s a do-it-yourself approach for anyone wanting to stand taller and move better. The premise of the…
Sketches of the History of Science
Ever wondered how science came about, but were intimidated by voluminous tomes that tell but don’t show how it was all done? With its hundreds of illustrations and accessible writing style, Sketches of the History of Science helps you navigate the philosophical underpinnings of science, shows you its roots in…
Resources for ESL B-Block
The resources on this site address the needs in English as a second language of 100-level students in Arts programs enrolled in B-block courses. It offers teachers and students authentic materials that are both field specific to Arts students and appropriate for low intermediate level students.
Problem-Based Learning for College Physics
A Website of Life-Like Activities
The Problem-Based Learning for College Physics website provides high-quality, context-rich problem-based learning (PBL) activities for physics teachers in the college network. PBL is a pedagogical approach that enables students to learn from meaningful, real-life situations. In PBL, students can understand the realistic context presented to them and work in small…
Virtual Team Teaching
A Collaborative Approach
Have you considered opening your CEGEP classroom to the wider world around you but are limited by scheduling or geographic issues? With Virtual Team Teaching (VTT), your class can see, hear and interact with students from a distant college during course hours using information and communication technology. Virtual Team Teaching:…
Learning Centre
The educational resources on the CCDMD Learning Centre website were specifically developed for CEGEP students by experienced CEGEP teachers. The majority of the resources available are created for students studying at an English CEGEP, but there are also useful resources for ESL students and allophones to help them become better…