Call for projects

Call for projects


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Submit a proposal

Those wishing to submit a proposal for the production, adaptation or translation of a digital or print educational resource for Quebec’s college network may do so during the CCDMD’s call for projects, which takes place each year, from November to March.

The project must be supported by the appropriate directorate of a college or cégep and can be presented by one or more individuals, namely:

  •  teacher(s) from the Quebec college network
  • specialist(s) in the field (e.g., pedagogical counsellor[s], technopedagogical advisor[s], etc.)

Furthermore, the project must either serve to teach one or more competencies of a college study program or promote academic success at the college level.

To submit a proposal, simply consult the call for projects guide and fill in the project submission form:

The call for projects 2024-2025 is not yet open. The documentation will be posted online next November. To stay informed, subscribe to our newsletter or follow us on our social media platforms.