New Edition of the Vox Method Textbooks

Vox Method: Training the Voice and Vox Method: The Acting Process are training programs for theatre students. The textbooks are accompanied by videos.

This second edition redesigns access to videos with links to a dedicated website, which replaces the DVD format of the first edition, and is also available in a digital format.

Vox Method: Training the Voice 

2nd edition

New Edition of the Vox Method Textbooks

Vox Method: Training the Voice attempts to demystify, simplify, and organize the study of voice. It presents a comprehensive approach to building and maintaining the performing voice. The subject matter is organized around a clear, step-by-step layering of information and techniques.

The book and its accompanying videos provide professional vocalists with what they need most: an approach to training that offers concrete techniques and real tools that lead to genuine results. They promote the concept that the vocalist is an athlete who must train, drill, and coordinate the whole instrument for the considerable challenges of performance. The method is rooted in learnable, measurable, and repeatable skills that can be objectively assessed, corrected, and drilled to become the foundation of an automatic vocal technique.

With technical mastery as its essence, Vox Method: Training the Voice will revolutionize the teaching of voice and become a precious resource for actors, singers, theatre instructors, and professional vocalists from all walks of life.

Vox Method: The Acting Process 

2nd edition

New Edition of the Vox Method Textbooks

Vox Method: The Acting Process demystifies the craft of acting, making it more accessible, comprehensible, and concrete. It is an exciting training program for actors that helps them become completely immersed in the techniques of acting, which provides them with a solid grounding in their craft.

Throughout the book and its accompanying videos, extensive and clearly defined acting terminology is developed that greatly facilitates discussion. This resource provides teachers with a wealth of information, technical tools, and exercises designed to drill the student actor on specific skill sets. These skills marry technical execution with the actor’s investigations of thought, emotion, pace, movement, language, character, and interaction.

About the author

W. Steven Lecky, Collège Dawson

W. Steven Lecky lives and works in Montreal, where he has been active as an educator, director, and performer for the past 30 years. His training techniques have influenced an entire generation of actors, speakers, and singers, and he has been instrumental in establishing high standards of actor training in Dawson College’s Professional Theatre Program and at the National Theatre School of Canada, as well as with the drama and theatre programs of McGill and Concordia Universities. He is a much-sought-after training consultant to professional actors, singers, theatre companies, and professional vocalists. Vox Method: The Acting Process is his second book with videos, joining his earlier work Vox Method: Training the Voice as a unique and precious resource for actors, directors, stage performers, and theatre educators.