
Facilitating Study Abroad

This website will help you organize and lead a study abroad program for your CEGEP students. If this is your first time taking students on a study abroad trip, it will help you design your trip, create pedagogically sound activities and evaluations for your students before, during, and after travel,…

New look

Amélioration du français

Des centaines de ressources gratuites à portée de main

Le site Amélioration du français est un répertoire de ressources qui traitent de divers aspects de la langue et qui sont reconnues pour la qualité de leur contenu et leur pertinence pédagogique. Il est destiné principalement aux étudiants et étudiantes du réseau collégial, mais également à toute personne qui désire…

1000 Images on the Tip of my Tongue

Trilingual index of expressions with equivalent meanings

The 1000 Images on the Tip of My Tongue website is intended for the teaching and learning of colourful expressions in a second language. It lists more than 2,000 idiomatic expressions in English, French, and Spanish. Each expression is presented in a short text that explains its meaning or which…

Crisscross Words

Version 4

Crisscross Words is a tool designed to help students learn vocabulary. It’s aimed at teachers from all disciplines who wish to develop fun learning activities for the acquisition and enrichment of general or specialized vocabulary. With this tool, they can create dictionaries of words and definitions to draw from to…

Historias y anécdotas de al-Ándalus

El subjuntivo en oraciones sustantivas

Le site Historias y anécdotas de al-Ándalus est destiné à l’apprentissage et à la pratique des usages de base du subjonctif en espagnol (langue étrangère). La culture du royaume médiéval hispanomusulman au moment de sa plus grande splendeur sert à contextualiser l’usage de la langue. L’histoire de l’Andalousie d’il y…

Netquiz Web+

Create online questionnaires in the blink of an eye

Netquiz Web+ is a comprehensive tool for creating, posting and managing online formative and summative questionnaires. It enables designing questionnaires adapted to specific needs. Options include the following: choose from 14 types of questions: matching, multiple choice, classification, matching board, essay, dictation, highlight, sequencing, short answer, multiple answer, revision, fill…


Read Along With Your Ears

Cantare is an application that allows users to synch lyrics or captions with audio files. This tool is intended for teachers who wish to create language-learning activities by having students listen to music or other types of audio files with captions that appear onscreen. The Playlists section gives them the…

Resources for ESL B-Block

The resources on this site address the needs in English as a second language of 100-level students in Arts programs enrolled in B-block courses. It offers teachers and students authentic materials that are both field specific to Arts students and appropriate for low intermediate level students.


Exercises to learn a language through listening and pronunciation of sounds or short sentences

Eco2 is a tool for anyone who wants to create language learning exercises that use ear training and the pronunciation of sounds or short sentences. Eco2 allows the students to access pronunciation exercises posted online by the instructor. Students can listen to the model sounds and short sentences as many…

Communication orale dans un contexte d’affaires

Savoirs, techniques et protocoles

Le site Communication orale dans un contexte d’affaires offre des ressources visant à amener les étudiants et étudiantes à développer les savoir-faire et les savoir-être essentiels à une bonne communication orale dans un contexte d’affaires. Il est destiné principalement au personnel enseignant et aux étudiants du programme Techniques de bureautique.…


Mise à niveau en français langue seconde

Le site Francomane offre des contenus pédagogiques en français langue seconde adaptés aux personnes inscrites à des cours de mise à niveau et ayant ou non des difficultés d’apprentissage. Bien que le site ait été conçu pour l’enseignement du français langue seconde, les fiches grammaticales, les textes et les vidéos…

Writer’s Toolkit for College Students


The Writer’s Toolkit for College Students was put together to help CEGEP students achieve their academic, professional, and personal goals by becoming more effective communicators. The idea for the Toolkit originated from discussions between English and humanities teachers on how their departments could reinforce common skills. Since then, the project’s…

Writer’s Toolkit for College Students


The Writer’s Toolkit for College Students was put together to help CEGEP students achieve their academic, professional, and personal goals by becoming more effective communicators. The idea for the Toolkit originated from discussions between English and humanities teachers on how their departments could reinforce common skills. Since then, the project’s…

Writer’s Toolkit for College Students


The Writer’s Toolkit for College Students was put together to help CEGEP students achieve their academic, professional, and personal goals by becoming more effective communicators. The idea for the Toolkit originated from discussions between English and humanities teachers on how their departments could reinforce common skills. Since then, the project’s…

Writer’s Toolkit for College Students

General Education

The Writer’s Toolkit for College Students was put together to help CEGEP students achieve their academic, professional, and personal goals by becoming more effective communicators. The idea for the Toolkit originated from discussions between English and humanities teachers on how their departments could reinforce common skills. Since then, the project’s…

Second Language Proficiency Test


The Second Language Proficiency Test (SLPT) is a pedagogical resource designed for the Quebec college network. This computer-based, adaptive test assesses listening comprehension and reading comprehension levels in French or English for non-native speakers. It is then used to place this level on a standardized scale: the Scale of Proficiency…

Cite It!

A Tutorial on How to Cite Your Sources Correctly

This interactive tutorial helps students cite sources correctly. Useful in all disciplines, Cite It! features four documentation style guides: MLA, APA, CSE and Chicago (The content for the CSE and Chicago style guides are not available at the moment, but should be by the beginning of September). For each style,…

La piqûre du français

Exercices de français pour les soins infirmiers

Le site La piqûre du français offre aux étudiantes et étudiants allophones et anglophones inscrits dans des techniques de soins de la santé du réseau collégial anglophone des documents pédagogiques qui les préparent à soigner en français et à réussir l’examen de l’Office québécois de la langue française (OQLF). La…

Learning Centre

The educational resources on the CCDMD Learning Centre website were specifically developed for CEGEP students by experienced CEGEP teachers. The majority of the resources available are created for students studying at an English CEGEP, but there are also useful resources for ESL students and allophones to help them become better…

Test de classement d’anglais langue seconde en ligne


Le test de classement d’anglais langue seconde en ligne (eTCALS) est offert à tous les établissements d’enseignement collégial francophones du Québec, qui pourront ainsi envisager plusieurs modalités de passation du test de classement, aussi bien au sein de l’établissement qu’à distance. Le eTCALS se compose de 250 questions à choix…

The Language and Reading Companion

The Language and Reading Companion is a talking book website for learning English as a second language at the college level. The selected texts deal with a variety of topics, themes, and genres directly related to the main disciplines of study at the CEGEP level. The texts span a number…