The Dental Hygienist - Image 1
The Dental Hygienist - Image 2
The Dental Hygienist - Image 3
The Dental Hygienist - Image 4
The Dental Hygienist - Image 5
Digital manual/Manual

The Dental Hygienist

A Public Health Perspective

Suzanne Turmel; translated by Valentina Baslyk
Cégep de Saint-Hyacinthe and John Abbott College
24,95 $49,95 $


Québec’s dental hygienists play an important part in preventing oral diseases and caring for thousands of children’s oral health needs, yet not much literature has been available on the profession for students in Québec. This textbook meets that need as a practical tool for those who wish to develop a number of competencies for working in the field.

French version: Hygiéniste dentaire en santé publique


Author(s): Suzanne Turmel; translated by Valentina Baslyk
Institution(s): Cégep de Saint-Hyacinthe and John Abbott College
Language(s): English
Publication year: 2013
Number of pages: 304
ISBN: Printed version: 978-2-89470-298-7; Digital version: 978-2-89470-299-4


The CCDMD’s digital textbooks are available in PDF.

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