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World of Images
Collections for Education
World of Images is a media-sharing site that addresses the immense need to use copyright-free photographs, illustrations, and videos for educational and non-commercial uses as well as for the production of quality educational materials. The goals of this unique media collection are as follows: offer a free space for managing…
Les diaporamas numérisés
Découvrir différents aspects du Québec
Le CCDMD a tenu à conserver vivante la banque de diaporamas développée par les établissements du réseau collégial du Québec autour des années 80. Plusieurs de ces diaporamas constituent encore aujourd’hui du matériel didactique fort intéressant et aucunement démodé. Le site Les diaporamas numérisés fait découvrir une partie des racines du…
The Language and Reading Companion
The Language and Reading Companion is a talking book website for learning English as a second language at the college level. The selected texts deal with a variety of topics, themes, and genres directly related to the main disciplines of study at the CEGEP level. The texts span a number…
…and One Classical: A Multimedia Companion
This website was conceived and prepared for both the acting student and the novice professional actor faced with the daunting task of preparing and presenting an audition piece from the works of William Shakespeare. It is a companion to the textbook …and One Classical: A Shakespeare Audition Handbook, which presents…
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