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Infants and Toddlers

Video Observation Bank

Mary Johnson
Vanier College


Featuring a collection of 200 short video clips, this site provides users with a perfect window into the world of infants and toddlers and their daily experiences in childcare. Users also witness the wide range of tasks and roles that early childhood professionals take on each day. Finally, many of the clips highlight the importance of the partnerships that form between parents and the educators who care for their young children.

In addition to the extensive bank of short video clips, the site also features longer sequences designed to offer viewers a more sustained experience. These longer sequences provide an excellent idea of just what goes on in daycares on a typical day.

Finally, the Exercises section features a set of short quizzes that teachers and students can use to explore various aspects of the task of observing young children.


Author(s): Mary Johnson
Institution(s): Vanier College
Language(s): English
Publication year: 2014