Conservation of Energy - Image 1
Conservation of Energy - Image 2
Conservation of Energy - Image 3
Conservation of Energy - Image 4
Conservation of Energy - Image 5
Conservation of Energy - Image 6
Conservation of Energy - Image 7

Conservation of Energy

Work smarter – Conserve your energy!

Stefan Bracher
Vanier College


The Conservation of Energy video series begins with an introduction to the laws of conservation, then elaborates on their multiple applications.

The series is tailored to the context of the Pure and Applied Science programs at the CEGEP level but should also be helpful to other science programs or enable students to achieve a general understanding through independent study.

A set of exercises linked to the videos allows you to put the theory into practice.


Discipline(s): 203 – Physics
Program(s): Science (200.B0)
Author(s): Stefan Bracher
Institution(s): Vanier College
Language(s): English
Publication year: 2023