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…and One Classical: A Multimedia Companion

Doug Buchanan
Dawson College


This website was conceived and prepared for both the acting student and the novice professional actor faced with the daunting task of preparing and presenting an audition piece from the works of William Shakespeare. It is a companion to the textbook …and One Classical: A Shakespeare Audition Handbook, which presents more than 150 quality audition pieces with annotations. While the book’s primary purpose is to assist students in finding and preparing a monologue, the website addresses common challenges associated with the audition process itself. Short videos featuring student actors present both successful and not-so-successful methods and address issues that should be anticipated by the performer during an audition. Moreover, the technique of scansion is demonstrated in detail through the use of multimedia.

See also: …and One Classical: A Shakespeare Audition Handbook


Author(s): Doug Buchanan
Institution(s): Dawson College
Language(s): English
Publication year: 2008