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  • 1000 images sur le bout de la langue

    Répertoire trilingue d’expressions de sens équivalent

    Le site 1000 images sur le bout de la langue est destiné à l’enseignement et à l’apprentissage d’expressions imagées en langue seconde. Il répertorie plus de 2 000 expressions idiomatiques en français, en anglais et en espagnol. Chaque expression est présentée dans une fiche où elle est intégrée dans un court texte qui…

  • Guide de communication en soins préhospitaliers d’urgence


    Ce manuel s’adresse aux étudiants du programme Soins préhospitaliers d’urgence, aux ambulanciers paramédicaux déjà en fonction ainsi qu’à toute autre personne travaillant dans le domaine de la santé. Il a pour but de faciliter leurs échanges avec les patientes et les patients ainsi que leurs proches, tant en anglais qu’en…

  • Writer’s Toolkit for College Students


    The Writer’s Toolkit for College Students was put together to help CEGEP students achieve their academic, professional, and personal goals by becoming more effective communicators. The idea for the Toolkit originated from discussions between English and humanities teachers on how their departments could reinforce common skills. Since then, the project’s…

  • Writer’s Toolkit for College Students


    The Writer’s Toolkit for College Students was put together to help CEGEP students achieve their academic, professional, and personal goals by becoming more effective communicators. The idea for the Toolkit originated from discussions between English and humanities teachers on how their departments could reinforce common skills. Since then, the project’s…

  • Writer’s Toolkit for College Students


    The Writer’s Toolkit for College Students was put together to help CEGEP students achieve their academic, professional, and personal goals by becoming more effective communicators. The idea for the Toolkit originated from discussions between English and humanities teachers on how their departments could reinforce common skills. Since then, the project’s…

  • Writer’s Toolkit for College Students

    General Education

    The Writer’s Toolkit for College Students was put together to help CEGEP students achieve their academic, professional, and personal goals by becoming more effective communicators. The idea for the Toolkit originated from discussions between English and humanities teachers on how their departments could reinforce common skills. Since then, the project’s…

  • Learning Centre

    The educational resources on the CCDMD Learning Centre website were specifically developed for CEGEP students by experienced CEGEP teachers. The majority of the resources available are created for students studying at an English CEGEP, but there are also useful resources for ESL students and allophones to help them become better…

  • Guide français-anglais de la terminologie des services à la personne

    English-French Guide to Social Services Terminology

    Ce manuel est un document de référence étoffé qui présente la terminologie et le vocabulaire bilingues des services à la personne. Grâce à ce document, l’étudiant ou l’étudiante du programme Techniques de travail social pourra communiquer d’une manière adaptée au contexte culturel bilingue et ainsi satisfaire aux exigences professionnelles relatives…

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