Call for projects

Call for projects

Frequently asked questions

Frequently asked questions

Type of projects

What type of projects can I submit to the CCDMD call for projects?

The CCDMD supports the creation, adaptation, and translation of print or digital educational resources that are suitable for the Quebec context —that is, any type of digital or print resource used for learning or teaching of one or more competencies in a college program of study.

For example, you could submit a proposal for a website, a mobile application, a print or digital textbook (small clientele only), a teaching scenario, a series of photos or videos, formative or summative assessments, a series of Netquiz Web+ exercises, etc.

The CCDMD also supports projects to update digital resources or reissue textbooks that it has already produced.

Can I submit a project for any college-level program?

Yes. All types of resources are eligible, no matter the pre-university or technical program of study, with one exception: you cannot submit a print or digital textbook proposal for a program that has more than 1,000 students a year in the Quebec college system. The CCDMD only produces textbooks for programs with small numbers of students.


I am a retired teacher. Can I submit a project?

Yes, but your project must be supported by the relevant direction of studies of a college.

Can two teachers from two different CEGEPs submit a project together?

Yes, you can submit a project with a colleague from a different college.

Can I translate an existing textbook?

Yes, subject to obtaining the copyright of the manual to be translated, if applicable.

Submitting a project

What is the deadline for submitting my file?

You must submit your file no later than 4:30 p.m. on the first Friday in March by sending it to the following address:

For an update of an existing product, do I need to complete the call for projects form?

Yes. All projects submitted in response to the annual call for projects must be accompanied by the form. Among other things, this allows the selection committee to validate the relevance of the request for updating.

Why do I need to submit a sample chapter, script, or module?

The sample chapter (in the case of a textbook), the sample script (in the case of a video), and the sample module (in the case of a game, website, or any other digital resource) are used to assess the project author’s writing skills as well as their ability to organize and convey the material.

Letters of support

Why do I need letters of support?

They demonstrate that your project meets a real need and is relevant for a large number of colleges in need of the resource. The selection committee will refuse any project for which the letters of support are insufficient in number or are not personalized.

Who should write the letters of support?

Letters of support must come from the college directorate endorsing the project and from department chairs from several colleges of the network involved in the project. They may also come from external organizations that have expertise in the subject or that will benefit from the project.

What compensation do you offer?

You will receive a lump sum as stipulated in the contract for developing your project. You may also receive royalties based on a percentage of sales in the case of a printed or digital textbook.

A waiver of copyright is required. This waiver is granted without restriction as to territory, time or media. Notwithstanding this, intellectual property is an inalienable right under the Copyright Act of Canada. Your name will appear prominently as the author in recognition of this right.

Project selection

Who sits on the selection committee?

The selection committee is made up of representatives of the college network, including pedagogical counsellors, civil servants from the ministère de l’Enseignement supérieur. Generally, the members serve on the committee for two to three consecutive years.

How many projects are accepted each year and how are they selected?

The number of projects accepted depends on the number submitted, their quality, whether they fulfill the eligibility conditions and respect the evaluation criteria, the strength of the letters of support, and the amount of the subsidy received from the Canada-Quebec Agreement for Minority-Language Education and Second-Language Instruction (ECQ).

When does the selection committee announce the results?

Everyone who submits a project will receive an acknowledgement of receipt. The selection committee’s decision will be communicated by email no later than May.

Production of the resource

What will my role be during production?

You will be in charge of writing the content and you will be involved at different stages of the resource design, based on the nature of the project and the terms set by the CCDMD.

A project manager at the CCDMD will provide you with the necessary guidance throughout your project’s development process and will handle the steps in producing the resource (disciplinary content review, editing, graphic design, programming, etc.).

If I still have questions, whom should I ask?

If you have more questions, please contact us at Note that a virtual information session is also held every year in January or February to answer any questions you may have.