Call for projects

Call for projects


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Submit a proposal

Those wishing to submit a proposal for the production, adaptation or translation of a digital or print educational resource used for the teaching and learning of one or more skills in a college study program may do so during the CCDMD’s call for projects, which takes place each year, from November to March.

All projects must be presented by either a teacher from the Quebec college network supported by the appropriate directorate of their college or by a subject matter specialist supported by the appropriate directorate of a college.

The 2024 call for projects is dependent on the financial resources of the CCDMD, which are allocated annually by the Canada-Quebec Agreement for Minority-Language Education and Second-Language Instruction (ECQ). To submit a proposal, simply consult the call for projects guide and fill in the project submission form:

N.B.: The 2024 call for projects is now closed. Documentation for the 2025 call for projects will be available online in November.