Accessibility of CCDMD websites

Accessibility of CCDMD websites

Accessibility of CCDMD websites

Accessibility of CCDMD websites

The Centre collégial de développement de matériel didactique (CCDMD) team is actively working to provide a user-friendly experience for all, including people with special needs. The CCDMD is committed to making its websites and web content accessible to all Internet users.

Applied standards

Since September 2022, CCDMD has been developing its web content in accordance with the Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.1 (levels A and AA) recommended by the World Wide Web Consortium (W3C) and the Government of Quebec’s Standards sur l’accessibilité du Web (SGQRI 008 2.0) (in French only).

These standards aim to provide a common framework by defining how to improve web content accessibility for people with a functional limitation. They also improve the usability of websites for all Internet users.

Key measures taken to improve sites and content accessibility

  • The sites work on different screen sizes (desktop or laptop, smartphone, tablet).
  • Navigation options are clear and consistent.
  • Pages are organized with clear and hierarchical titles.
  • The content and layout structure are kept separate using CSS-style sheets.
  • Interactive elements are easy to locate and have been designed and coded to be usable without a mouse and with a screen reader.
  • The language used is as simple as possible while respecting the technical or complex nature of certain subjects.
  • Videos include subtitles and textual transcription.
  • Images have a text equivalent.
  • Data table title cells are coded to be read by screen readers.
  • Link text is significant.
  • Links that open in a new window are tagged.
  • There is sufficient colour contrast between text and background.
  • No information is conveyed by colour.
  • Text size can be increased up to 400% without reducing readability.
  • Form elements are explicitly and clearly labelled.
  • Forms provide clear feedback.

Accessibility limitations

Despite CCDMD’s best efforts to use inclusive design, some resources may present barriers to accessibility. This section describes known limitations for some sites and content that only partially meet the standards mentioned. They apply primarily to sites that were published before 2022. For more information on how to get support for these or other issues, see the “Troubleshooting” section.

  • Considering the sheer volume of PDF files already developed by the CCDMD, it would be unfeasible to make them all compliant due to cost and labour considerations. However, accessibility standards are applied to all new PDF content. If you need any of the PDF files in an accessible format, they can be provided upon request.
  • Some sites and content use outdated technologies that do not support accessibility and do not work with current assistive technologies. However, the CCDMD is gradually updating its resources to use accessibility-friendly technologies. Stay tuned for updates by visiting its websites regularly.
  • Some games or exercises are complex or cannot be made completely accessible. For example, they may contain interactive elements that have not been designed or coded to be usable without a mouse and a screen reader. Where possible, CCDMD will endeavour to provide an alternative, simpler or identical version that leads to the same learning.
  • Although video captions is of the utmost importance to the CCDMD, some sites may contain captionless video content. The CCDMD updates its resources on a regular basis and plans on eventually adding the missing captions to these videos.
  • Most videos produced by the CCDMD do not contain described video or written transcriptions. While the CCDMD is looking to release alternative formats in the near future, it cannot be done at the moment due to the complexity and technical nature of some resources, the high number of video resources, the costs involved and the labour shortage.
  • Images shared by users may not offer alternative text, as the CCDMD cannot guarantee the quality of shared content.

Tools used to validate accessibility

CCDMD sites and content are compatible with a variety of devices (computers, smartphones and tablets), browsers and assistive technologies. As of September 2022, all published sites are tested and optimized with the following up-to-date tools.   


  • Chrome
  • Safari

Additional tools

  • axe
  • Web Developer
  • Colour Contrast Analyser 
  • Screen readers
    • NVDA with Chrome — Windows
    • VoiceOver with Safari — iOS

Useful tool to view content


If you are having trouble navigating one of the CCDMD sites or viewing a document, you can get support by phone at 514 873-2200 or by email at Your request will be answered in a timely manner.

It is recommended to use an updated browser for a better experience.

You can share suggestions or comments related to the accessibility of CCDMD sites and content by email to

Last updated: April 2024