Banque de ressources en français pour les allophones et les anglophones du réseau collégial
The Allo! Banque de ressources en français pour les allophones et les anglophones du réseau collégial offers 180 recommendations of existing educational resources, most of them accessible online, with the goal of responding to the following objectives:
- Promote the development of allophone and anglophone students’ French language skills, in the francophone and anglophone sector;
- Support teachers as well as staff in the centres d’aide en français (CAF) and the centres de langue écrite et orale (CLEO) who assist students whose first language is not French;
- Facilitate student success and their integration into society and the job market through greater French proficiency.
The resources grouped into 10 sections focus on reading and writing skills, in order to support successful completion of all courses, including French, language of instruction and literature courses and French as a second language courses, as well as successful completion of the French ministerial examination (EUF). In each section, a Teacher’s Zone presents educational material for teachers and staff in CAFs and CLEOs.
The resources for students are organized according to three competency levels: beginner, intermediate and advanced. To facilitate the search, each resource comes with a brief description as well as keywords that indicate the type(s) of resources (theory, exercise, tool, article, game, dictation, website) as well as the format(s), if applicable (interactive, printable, video, audio). For the beginner level, an English translation of the description is also provided.