Call for projects

Call for projects


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What is the call for projects?

The call for projects is an annual invitation to submit proposals for the production, adaptation, or translation of digital or printed educational resources for a college study program. This can include mobile applications, textbooks, websites, videos, games, virtual reality simulations, etc.

Aimed at teachers, pedagogical counsellors, and specialists in the public and private college network, the call for projects significantly contributes to enriching the pedagogical resources offered to the student community of the province

Individuals who wish to become authors for the CCDMD are invited to respond to the annual call for projects, which is open from November to March. By working with the CCDMD, you…

  • Benefit from the expertise of a recognized publisher in the development of educational materials
  • Receive personalized support throughout the process
  • Contribute to pedagogical innovation in your field
  • Develop your skills in designing educational materials