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World of Images

Collections for Education

Christine Blais, Denis Chabot, Sarah Donikian, Richard Dumoulin, Véronica Gill and Réjean Jobin


World of Images is a media-sharing site that addresses the immense need to use copyright-free photographs, illustrations, and videos for educational and non-commercial uses as well as for the production of quality educational materials.

The goals of this unique media collection are as follows:

  • offer a free space for managing and preserving photographs, illustrations, and videos of all kinds (artistic, documentary, educational, scientific, etc.)
  • collect a significant portion of the media produced as part of all college activities (demonstrations, conferences, research, work, artistic productions, international internships, best practices, etc.)
  • develop thematic albums to better understand the dimensions addressed in the works
  • encourage discussion between users by allowing them to vote for a media item, share it on social sites, and comment on it

The site also provides information about the World of Images Intercollegiate photo contest.

French version: Monde en images


Author(s): Christine Blais, Denis Chabot, Sarah Donikian, Richard Dumoulin, Véronica Gill and Réjean Jobin
Institution(s): CCDMD
Language(s): French and English
Publication year: 2011