Where to Find Hundreds of Free Educational Resources?

Whether you’re preparing a new course or looking to enhance the content of a course you’ve taught many times before, you’ve no doubt spent many hours searching for quality educational resources.

To make your life easier, we’ve put together a list of websites offering free educational materials.

1. The CCDMD Website: a Goldmine for Teachers

The Centre collégial de développement de matériel didactique (CCDMD) is mandated by the ministère de l’Enseignement supérieur to design educational resources and distribute them to Québec teachers. To fulfill its mandate, the CCDMD provides free access to all its digital resources.

The ccdmd.qc.ca site contains an extensive collection of educational resources covering almost every discipline taught in Québec’s CEGEPs and colleges. You’ll find:

  • Mobile applications
  • Interactive exercises
  • Videos
  • Virtual reality simulations
  • Interactive games

What’s more, all these resources were developed by teachers. Therefore, they’re designed to meet the specific needs of the Québec college network.

The World of Images website contains thousands of high-quality photos and videos that can be used free of charge for personal, educational and non-commercial purposes.

The advanced search allows you to choose the geographic location, category (landscape, art, society, pedagogy, etc.) and type of media. The “Pedagogy” category alone contains almost 1,000 educational media!

Do you have photography skills or do you know talented photographers in the college network? Invite them to take part in the World of Images Intercollegiate Photo Contest.

Participating in this annual contest enhances the site’s content, and the finalists’ photos are presented at a vernissage held at a college. Everyone wins!

3. A Website Dedicated to Teaching French

If you’re looking for French teaching resources, the site ameliofrancais.ccdmd.qc.ca is a must. It offers grammar exercises, revision strategies, tools to improve writing, games to make learning fun, and much more.

Our favorites include:

4. Take Part in Enriching Resources for the College Community

Didn’t find what you were looking for? Get support to create the material you need.

The CCDMD is constantly on the lookout for collaborators to create new teaching tools. If you’re interested in creating educational resources for the college network, take part in our annual call for projects.

It’s a great way to share your expertise, innovate in your field and contribute to the improvement of college education in Québec.