Intercaf 2024: Students Take the Floor

On May 31, Collège de Maisonneuve and the CCDMD welcomed some sixty people from the college and university networks for Intercaf, the annual meeting of CAF (Centre d’aide en français, i.e., French-language help centre) employees.

The 2024 edition of the event focused on the motivations of CAF clients and brought together employees from French- and English-speaking institutions across the province… and even New Brunswick. The inaugural conference, entitled “Pourquoi ils ou elles ne fréquentent pas les CAF” (Why they don’t go to CAFs), shed light on the reasons why some students are reluctant to use CAF services. The speaker, Ms. Isabelle Cabot, professor-researcher in psychology at Collège Édouard-Montpetit, presented the results of her research on the subject, arousing keen interest and many questions from the audience.

Intercaf 2024: Students Take the Floor

Crédit photo: Mathilde Vassal

Ms. Cabot then led a brainstorming session, where she invited the audience to submit concrete ideas to get students interested in CAFs. Notice to interested parties: the many suggestions made by participants will be published in the next Correspondance newsletter. To make sure you don’t miss the next issue, please subscribe.

An “Academic Tinder” and Winning Strategies to Motivate Students

Héloïse Masse, a French teacher at Collège de Maisonneuve, then challenged the audience by presenting the original, participatory structure of the Renforcement du français (reinforcement of the French language) course she teaches at the college. In her course, teamwork plays a key role, because, in her words, “It’s easier to correct other people’s mistakes than your own, and afterwards, it allows students to see their own mistakes.” Given that teamwork isn’t always a smooth ride, the teacher also explained her innovative “Academic Tinder” and her coaching strategies to help the session run smoothly.

The afternoon featured a performance by the poet, novelist and social worker David Goudreault, who shared his passion for the French language by reciting poems and telling personal anecdotes. One of the sentences he used to emphasize the value of reading particularly resonated with the participants: “il faut lire faux pour vivre vrai” (you need to read false to live true). The author’s creativity was then put to the test in a poetic improvisation based on a list of words chosen at random by the people in the audience, much to their delight, who were particularly inventive during this activity.

Intercaf 2024: Students Take the Floor

Crédit photo: Mathilde Vassal

Inspiring and Committed Volunteers

To close this year’s event, the Intercaf organizing committee chose to give the floor to student volunteers from SOS Français and Brigades Maisonneuve à Chomedey, two of Héloïse Masse’s initiatives. Their passion and commitment to helping students succeed in school moved the audience, who recognized themselves in this new generation of volunteers. It’s also worth mentioning that the volunteers from Brigades Maisonneuve, a tutoring service where young people from the Collège accompany students from Chomedey-De Maisonneuve high school, were selected for the Forces Avenir Gala interviews. We wish them the best of luck!

Intercaf 2024: Students Take the Floor

Crédit photo: Mathilde Vassal