Winners of the 2023-2024 World of Images Intercollegiate Photo Contest

On May 14, the CCDMD unveiled the winners of the 13th edition of the World of Images Intercollegiate Photo Contest.

The names of individuals who were awarded a prize or a special mention were announced at Collège Marsan, as part of a vernissage celebrating the next generation of photographers.

During the event, the 32 finalist photographs that particularly caught the jury’s attention this year, from among the 1,186 submitted, were displayed in the Collège Marsan lobby for the public to admire. There was a sense of pride on the faces of the Contest participants as they and their loved ones saw their work on display for the first time. The results of the jury’s deliberations, under the honorary chairmanship of Serge Clément, were announced at the end of the evening, in a casual setting.

The CCDMD handed out five prizes and a People’s Choice award to six Quebec CEGEP and college students. The winners shared a total of $3,000 in grants. For several years now, the Contest has also been open to staff members in the college network, and the winner in this category was presented with Serge Clément’s album Archipel during the evening. Reflecting the high quality of the photos submitted as part of this year’s Contest, the jury awarded seven special mentions in the Student and Network Staff categories.

The CCDMD congratulates the winners and would like to extend its warmest thanks to the members of the jury who generously agreed to review the many Contest entries in support of the next generation of photographers:

  • Serge Clément, photographer (honorary chair)
  • Carlos Richer, teacher, Cégep du Vieux Montréal
  • Charles-Frédérick Ouellet, photographer
  • Hélène Lévesque, project Manager, CCDMD
  • Luc Grenier, teacher, Cégep de Lanaudière à L’Assomption
  • Michel Tremblay, photographer
  • Sophie Becquet, photographer and winner of 1st prize in the 2022-2023 edition of the Contest

Winners in the Student category

Winners of the 2023-2024 World of Images Intercollegiate Photo Contest

1st prize: Ramonson Pierre-Louis, Cégep de Sherbrooke, for the photo Allégorie autobiographique

Winners of the 2023-2024 World of Images Intercollegiate Photo Contest

2nd prize: Isaac Deveau, Cégep du Vieux Montréal, for the photo Personnages de Montréal 2/3

Winners of the 2023-2024 World of Images Intercollegiate Photo Contest

3rd prize: Phael M’Boutchou Zang, Collège Marsan, for the photo Photographe

Winners of the 2023-2024 World of Images Intercollegiate Photo Contest

4th prize: Félix Benjamin-Nobert, Cégep de la Gaspésie et des Îles, for the photo Dichotomie printanière

Winners of the 2023-2024 World of Images Intercollegiate Photo Contest

5th prize: Camille Valiquette, Collège Montmorency, for the photo Constellation

People’s Choice award

Winners of the 2023-2024 World of Images Intercollegiate Photo Contest

Mikaela Himal, Cégep John Abbott, for the photo Maeklong Railway Market

Special mentions from the jury

Winners of the 2023-2024 World of Images Intercollegiate Photo Contest

Lisa Starr, Collège Dawson, for the photo Finn

Winners of the 2023-2024 World of Images Intercollegiate Photo Contest

2023 Cohort of the Digital art course, Cégep de Granby, for the photo La Charogne (2)

Winners of the 2023-2024 World of Images Intercollegiate Photo Contest

Raphaël Bessière-Gaignaire, Cégep du Vieux Montréal, for the photo Nour’ah

Samira Houari-Laplatte, Cégep de Rivière-du-Loup, for the photo Les mères veillent

Winners of the 2023-2024 World of Images Intercollegiate Photo Contest

Crina Tocu, Collège Jean-de-Brébeuf, for the photo Sous le soleil d’été

Winner in the Network Staff category

Winners of the 2023-2024 World of Images Intercollegiate Photo Contest

Carlos Riobo, Collège Marsan, for the photo Ada

Special mentions from the jury

Winners of the 2023-2024 World of Images Intercollegiate Photo Contest

Isabelle Morency, Cégep de Drummondville, for the photo Jour de pluie

Winners of the 2023-2024 World of Images Intercollegiate Photo Contest

Mirabelle Ricard, Collège de Rosemont, for the photo Famille Cirabana Circus

About the World of Images Intercollegiate Photo Contest

Since 2011, the CCDMD has been organizing the World of Images Intercollegiate Photo Contest. Reserved for students and teaching staff from Quebec’s college network, this annual Contest has two objectives: promote the development of the next generation of photographers and facilitate the production and dissemination of quality images in higher education.

About the CCDMD

For over 30 years, the Centre collégial de développement de matériel didactique has been developing digital and print educational resources for the entire Quebec college network. The CCDMD’s resources are the fruit of collaboration with hundreds of authors working in all the province’s colleges, ensuring the relevance and quality of the material produced.