A Minister’s Award for a CCDMD Ressource in Philosophy

The Minister of Higher Education presented an award to Anne-Marie Claret and Thierry Laberge in recognition of the exceptional quality of Philo-aide, a digital resource published by the CCDMD to support the writing of an argumentative text.

The authors of the resource accepted the award at a ceremony held in Quebec City on May 9, 2024. 

At the evening’s event, Ms. Claret and Mr. Laberge, who teach at Cégep du Vieux Montréal, were accompanied by the Director of the CCDMD, Cathie Dugas, and the CCDMD project manager in charge of publishing Philo-aide, Dominique Fortier. When asked about her collaboration with the winners, Ms. Fortier was categorical: “It was so delightful to work with such creative people. […] It’s a valuable resource for both teachers and students.” 

The Philo-aide website is a simple, flexible and user-friendly pedagogical tool to help CEGEP students write a philosophical argumentative text, an essential skill for the successful completion of the Diploma of College Studies. While working at her CEGEP’s success support centre, Anne-Marie Claret saw the need for such a resource and decided to collaborate with her colleague to bring the project to fruition. The resulting video clips feature students finding answers to their questions through interaction with a teacher, Thierry Laberge. 

The awards of the Minister of Higher Education recognize the inventiveness and commitment of individuals in colleges and universities. They are also intended to encourage the production of innovative and adapted educational resources. Philo-aide was singled out in the Ressources didactiques complémentaires (Complementary Teaching Resources) category of the Ressources éducatives (Educational Resources) section for its exceptional quality. 

With this recognition from the Minister of Higher Education, the CCDMD brings to 32 the total number of awards and mentions that its resources have won in the Minister’s Awards competition since its creation in 1993. 

Anne-Marie-Claret and Thierry Laberge with Pascale Déry, Minister of Higher Education
A Minister’s Award for a CCDMD Ressource in Philosophy

Photo credit: Ministère de l’Enseignement supérieur, ©Samuel Tessier, photographer

About the CCDMD 

For over 30 years, the Centre collégial de développement de matériel didactique has been developing digital and print educational resources for the entire Quebec college network. The CCDMD’s resources are the fruit of collaboration with hundreds of authors working in all the province’s colleges, ensuring the relevance and quality of the material produced. 

About the authors 

Anne-Marie Claret holds a master’s degree in philosophy from UQAM and has been teaching at Cégep du Vieux Montréal for over thirty years. In 2023, the Association québécoise de pédagogie collégiale awarded her the Mention d’honneur in recognition of her commitment to teaching. 

A philosophy teacher at Cégep du Vieux Montréal for the past four years, Thierry Laberge holds a master’s degree in philosophy from Université de Montréal. Before devoting himself to teaching, he worked for several years in audiovisual production.