Summary of Resources Published in 2022

Two textbooks, one printed game, four websites, and seven game updates in French… Here is the summary of our French-language resources published during the year 2022.

Textbooks (print and digital)

Summary of Resources Published in 2022

Introduction aux charpentes d’acier

Patrice Caron, Collège Montmorency

The Introduction aux charpentes d’acier manual is primarily aimed at students in civil engineering technology. In addition to providing examples of calculations and many figures that make understanding the theoretical concepts easier, this book uses a three-dimensional model building to realistically illustrate all the elements that form a steel structure. 

Summary of Resources Published in 2022

Comprendre la musique tonale

Benoit Gauthier, Cégep Marie-Victorin

Comprendre la musique tonale brings together the notions of theory and harmony in a single book, allowing musicians, even beginners, to understand the foundations of this musical language. After presenting the elementary theory, the author discusses the concepts of tonal harmonic discourse and melodic construction, and even proposes to practice writing in four voices. 

Printed game

Summary of Resources Published in 2022

Mes cartes RO

Chantal Contant et Francine Corbeil, Université du Québec à Montréal et Centre de services scolaire des Mille-Îles

The Mes cartes RO game covers all aspects of modern spelling. The activities, classified according to the aspects affected, offer true or false or multiple-choice questions, mini-corpora to observe, and explanations illustrated with numerous examples. In addition to this content on the written code, there are questions about the rumors surrounding the new spellings and about the cultural context of the French orthographic changes or rectifications orthographiques (RO). Finally, a rapid-fire set of fifty questions put players to the test. 


Summary of Resources Published in 2022

RO – Rectifications orthographiques

Chantal Contant et Francine Corbeil, Université du Québec à Montréal et Centre de services scolaire des Mille-Îles

The RO – Rectifications orthographiques website allows you to familiarize yourself with official modern spelling. It offers ten interactive quizzes called “Mes activités RO.” These activities immerse users in French orthographic changes or rectifications orthographiques (RO) and allow them to broaden their knowledge of the cultural context of the spelling changes. 

Summary of Resources Published in 2022


Christian Frenette et Olivier Roy, Cégep de Lanaudière à Terrebonne

Dlibr facilitates online deliberation and teaching the fundamentals of the logic of argumentation. The initial setup offers three relational markers: because, however, and therefore. Using these markers, Dlibr creates an environment that encourages learners to write multiple arguments and read those written by others. 

Summary of Resources Published in 2022


Benoît D’Amours et Sophie Savard-Laroche, Cégep de Lévis

Projet ATOPOS offers a more inclusive corpus for the philosophy course The Human Being (102). The modules allow exploring contemporary issues that the Western tradition marginalizes.  

Summary of Resources Published in 2022


Anne-Marie Claret et Thierry Laberge, Cégep du Vieux Montréal

Philo-aide is a collection of videos designed to support the writing of the argumentative text required in the first philosophy course at the CEGEP. The site offers a set of simple, flexible, user-friendly educational tools tailored to the diverse realities of teaching philosophy in Quebec’s college system.

Game updates in French

Summary of Resources Published in 2022

Le français en questions

Le français en questions is a game that contains more than 350 questions of all kinds to improve your knowledge of French.

Summary of Resources Published in 2022

Genre des mots

Genre des mots is a game that aims to help students memorize the gender of specific words. 

Summary of Resources Published in 2022

Difficultés orthographiques

Difficultés orthographiques is a game that aims to help students avoid common spelling mistakes in French.

Summary of Resources Published in 2022


Majuscules is a game that teaches the main rules for using capital letters in French.

Summary of Resources Published in 2022


Mélimélo is a game that helps students memorize the spelling of difficult words. The letters of a word are presented out of order with a hint. In the exercise, students arrange them to find a given word within a specific time. They can get an additional hint as needed.

Summary of Resources Published in 2022

Mots jumeaux

Mots jumeaux is a game that aims to enrich students’ vocabulary through synonymy. Each module contains thirty pairs of synonyms. Two columns of three words each are displayed; students simply pair words with the same meaning by clicking successively on one word from each column. 

Summary of Resources Published in 2022

Les labyrinthes

Les labyrinthes is a game with all kinds of questions that improve students’ knowledge of French. The goal is to get out of the maze with the most possible coins in your pocket to climb the social ladder. To move through the maze, students use the arrows on the computer keyboard or the arrows displayed on a cellphone screen.