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Netquiz Web+

Create online questionnaires in the blink of an eye

Christine Blais, Richard Dumoulin, Lucie Trépanier and Robert Szczech


Netquiz Web+ is a comprehensive tool for creating, posting and managing online formative and summative questionnaires.

It enables designing questionnaires adapted to specific needs. Options include the following:

  • choose from 14 types of questions: matching, multiple choice, classification, matching board, essay, dictation, highlight, sequencing, short answer, multiple answer, revision, fill in the blanks, true or false, identify parts of an image
  • insert images, sounds, and videos into instructions, questions, or feedback
  • add an interactive glossary to questionnaires to provide definitions in the form of texts, images, videos, sounds, or hyperlinks
  • prepare questionnaires in English, French, or any other language
  • incorporate detailed or general feedback to foster learning and allow participants to better understand their mistakes
  • view a preview of the created questionnaire and test it before publication
  • work collaboratively with colleagues

The tool offers features for compiling, exporting, and analyzing results. The summative evaluation process is simple, efficient, and reliable. Assessments can be done anytime, anywhere, from any device. You can access the results in real time.

The latest Netquiz Web+ version includes major improvements:

  • addition of a summative component, which allows you to schedule assessments and export the results
  • addition of revision items, which allow you to identify and correct errors in a text.

Cinéquiz: a questionnaire created with Netquiz Web+

French Version: Netquiz Web+


Auteur(s) : Christine Blais, Richard Dumoulin, Lucie Trépanier and Robert Szczech
Établissement(s) : CCDMD
Langue(s) : Français et Anglais
Année de publication : 2020


To access this tool, request an account on the homepage.

Netquiz Web+ was first designed for teachers in the Quebec college network, but anyone who works in an educational institution and provides their professional email address when requesting an account can access it for free. Any use of Netquiz Web+ for commercial purposes must be the subject of a specific agreement between the requester and the CCDMD.