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Types de ressources

Dates de publication

  • Facilitating Study Abroad

    This website will help you organize and lead a study abroad program for your CEGEP students. If this is your first time taking students on a study abroad trip, it will help you design your trip, create pedagogically sound activities and evaluations for your students before, during, and after travel,…

  • 1000 Images on the Tip of my Tongue

    Trilingual index of expressions with equivalent meanings

    The 1000 Images on the Tip of My Tongue website is intended for the teaching and learning of colourful expressions in a second language. It lists more than 2,000 idiomatic expressions in English, French, and Spanish. Each expression is presented in a short text that explains its meaning or which…

  • The McGill Model of Nursing

    A Collaborative Approach

    How do you establish a trusting, collaborative relationship with a person and family? How do you accompany them as their health situation evolves? The McGill Model of Nursing: A Collaborative Approach reviews every stage of the nursing process, focusing on the central role of the person and family—whose responsibility for…

  • Nouveau visuel

    Bringing QM to Life

    Problem-Based Learning for Quantitative Methods

    Bringing QM to Life aims to actively engage social science students in their own learning process with a multidisciplinary, problem-based approach to research methods using quantitative data. The website offers activities with real-life scientific scenarios and various accessible, customizable levels of complexity that can be done individually or in teams,…

  • Conservation of Energy

    Work smarter – Conserve your energy!

    The Conservation of Energy video series begins with an introduction to the laws of conservation, then elaborates on their multiple applications. The series is tailored to the context of the Pure and Applied Science programs at the CEGEP level but should also be helpful to other science programs or enable…

  • Vox Method: The Acting Process

    2nd Edition

    Vox Method: The Acting Process demystifies the craft of acting—making it more accessible, comprehensible, and concrete. It is an exciting training program for actors that helps them become completely immersed in the techniques of acting, which provides them with a solid grounding in their craft. Throughout the book and its…

  • Vox Method: Training the Voice

    2nd Edition

    Vox Method: Training the Voice attempts to demystify, simplify and organize the study of voice. It presents a comprehensive approach to building and maintaining the performing voice. Steven Lecky organizes the subject matter around a clear, step-by-step layering of information and techniques. The book and its accompanying videos provide professional…

  • Stand Tall and Move Easy

    A New Approach to Better Posture

    Stand Tall and Move Easy presents posture as a fundamental skill, a basic fitness component, and a foundation for exercise, sport performance, and efficient movement in daily living. Although written for college students, it’s a do-it-yourself approach for anyone wanting to stand taller and move better. The premise of the…

  • Resource for Writing Therapeutic Nursing Plans

    40 Examples of Nursing Problems and Interventions

    This book provides tools to facilitate the task of writing problems, nursing interventions, and follow-up assessments, which can prove demanding and complex. It does the following: groups problems by system uses biological and pathophysiological knowledge to describe the problems, the nursing interventions and the follow-up assessments promotes cooperation between members…

  • Crisscross Words

    Version 4

    Crisscross Words is a tool designed to help students learn vocabulary. It’s aimed at teachers from all disciplines who wish to develop fun learning activities for the acquisition and enrichment of general or specialized vocabulary. With this tool, they can create dictionaries of words and definitions to draw from to…

  • Nursing scenarios

    Optimize Learning with Simulation

    The Nursing Scenarios website focuses on the high-fidelity clinical simulation (HFCS) method and its implementation. It provides ready-to-use scenarios for teaching in the Quebec college network. Each scenario includes a medical observation as well as a Student Guide and Teacher’s Guide. Supplementary educational materials, such as printable patient records and…

  • PASS

    Performance Assessment and Strategies for Success

    PASS (Performance Assessment and Strategies for Success) is a resource for nursing teachers who wish to help their students succeed on written tests (short-answer and multiple choice). The resource is designed to assess a student’s performance on a written test and develop an individualized Action Plan for improvement. It consists…

  • Netquiz Web+

    Create online questionnaires in the blink of an eye

    Netquiz Web+ is a comprehensive tool for creating, posting and managing online formative and summative questionnaires. It enables designing questionnaires adapted to specific needs. Options include the following: choose from 14 types of questions: matching, multiple choice, classification, matching board, essay, dictation, highlight, sequencing, short answer, multiple answer, revision, fill…

  • Cantare

    Read Along With Your Ears

    Cantare is an application that allows users to synch lyrics or captions with audio files. This tool is intended for teachers who wish to create language-learning activities by having students listen to music or other types of audio files with captions that appear onscreen. The Playlists section gives them the…

  • Book Cover of Sketches of the History of Science

    Sketches of the History of Science

    Ever wondered how science came about, but were intimidated by voluminous tomes that tell but don’t show how it was all done? With its hundreds of illustrations and accessible writing style, Sketches of the History of Science helps you navigate the philosophical underpinnings of science, shows you its roots in…

  • Resources for ESL B-Block

    The resources on this site address the needs in English as a second language of 100-level students in Arts programs enrolled in B-block courses. It offers teachers and students authentic materials that are both field specific to Arts students and appropriate for low intermediate level students.

  • Lexique français-anglais de la cuisine et de la restauration

    This manual is a one-of-a-kind book. Designed specifically for North America, it contains more than 14,000 terms in each language. This reference tool helps students in the hotel and restaurant industry communicate accurately and confidently during their studies and internships at companies and later in the job market.

  • Prehospital Emergency Communication Guide


    This phrasebook is a useful tool for students studying prehospital emergency care, but also for working paramedics and other healthcare personnel. It aims to help them in their exchanges with patients, and those who are close to them, in both English and French. It is divided into two main sections:…

  • Eco2

    Exercises to learn a language through listening and pronunciation of sounds or short sentences

    Eco2 is a tool for anyone who wants to create language learning exercises that use ear training and the pronunciation of sounds or short sentences. Eco2 allows the students to access pronunciation exercises posted online by the instructor. Students can listen to the model sounds and short sentences as many…

  • Problem-Based Learning for College Physics

    A Website of Life-Like Activities

    The Problem-Based Learning for College Physics website provides high-quality, context-rich problem-based learning (PBL) activities for physics teachers in the college network. PBL is a pedagogical approach that enables students to learn from meaningful, real-life situations. In PBL, students can understand the realistic context presented to them and work in small…

  • WeBWorK

    Open-source math homework system

    WeBWorK is an open-source online homework system used to create online questionnaires. This interactive platform gives access to a library of 450 English-language math problems (English Problem Library). This library was added to the existing 3,046 French-language problems. The problems are generally diversified in content and format and deal with…

  • Virtual Team Teaching

    A Collaborative Approach

    Have you considered opening your CEGEP classroom to the wider world around you but are limited by scheduling or geographic issues? With Virtual Team Teaching (VTT), your class can see, hear and interact with students from a distant college during course hours using information and communication technology. Virtual Team Teaching:…

  • The Research Competition

    The Research Competition, a set of pedagogically innovative role-play scenarios that is available online free of charge, supports teachers and students producing research work for the Social Science Research Methods course. Simulating the process of funds allocation for social science research in a manner similar to the yearly competitions held…

  • Writer’s Toolkit for College Students


    The Writer’s Toolkit for College Students was put together to help CEGEP students achieve their academic, professional, and personal goals by becoming more effective communicators. The idea for the Toolkit originated from discussions between English and humanities teachers on how their departments could reinforce common skills. Since then, the project’s…

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