News 2017

The Research Competition website launched at John Abbott College

February 24, 2017
The official launch of The Research Competition took place on Thursday, February 23, 2017 at John Abbott College. The Research Competition, a set of pedagogically innovative role-play scenarios that is available online free of charge, aims at supporting teachers and students with the production of research work for the Social Science Research [...]

"Le Détecteur de fautes", reviewed and improved

February 24, 2017
The new edition of the teaching resource Le détecteur de fautes (spelling mistake detector) is now available online. This practical way to improve the ability to spot and decipher errors in French is mobile-ready. Designed for teaching staff and help centre tutors who want to perfect their correction skills and students who want to learn to [...]

Play with web words in the Francojeu des cégeps

February 20, 2017
The CCDMD is inviting you to take part in the 2017 edition of the Francojeu des cégeps, held as part of the Francofête in collaboration with the l’Office québécois de la langue française. March 1 to 31, on Facebook (with or without a Facebook account), you can play the game and take part in the online contest, which is reserved for [...]
