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Arts restauratifs : thanatoplastie et soins de présentation
Arts restauratifs : thanatoplastie et soins de présentation est le seul manuel en français sur la restauration des dépouilles. Il porte sur les traitements destinés à restaurer l’apparence familière de la dépouille et à produire un contexte d’exposition susceptible de faciliter le deuil des proches. L’ouvrage est destiné aux étudiants et…
Writer’s Toolkit for College Students
The Writer’s Toolkit for College Students was put together to help CEGEP students achieve their academic, professional, and personal goals by becoming more effective communicators. The idea for the Toolkit originated from discussions between English and humanities teachers on how their departments could reinforce common skills. Since then, the project’s…
Writer’s Toolkit for College Students
The Writer’s Toolkit for College Students was put together to help CEGEP students achieve their academic, professional, and personal goals by becoming more effective communicators. The idea for the Toolkit originated from discussions between English and humanities teachers on how their departments could reinforce common skills. Since then, the project’s…
Writer’s Toolkit for College Students
The Writer’s Toolkit for College Students was put together to help CEGEP students achieve their academic, professional, and personal goals by becoming more effective communicators. The idea for the Toolkit originated from discussions between English and humanities teachers on how their departments could reinforce common skills. Since then, the project’s…
Writer’s Toolkit for College Students
General Education
The Writer’s Toolkit for College Students was put together to help CEGEP students achieve their academic, professional, and personal goals by becoming more effective communicators. The idea for the Toolkit originated from discussions between English and humanities teachers on how their departments could reinforce common skills. Since then, the project’s…
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